New TCI cryoprobe with XYZ-gradients installed at 700 MHz instrument
This week the new probe at the 700 MHz instrument (sept) was installed. It has 1.4-fold higher senstivity on 1H than the probe it replaces and it sports XYZ gradients. This is the first probe of this kind at the platform and we're very much looking forward to explore the possibilites this new probe offers.
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The new probe is a modern He-cooled cryoprobe and therefore has very high sensitivity on 1H. The 1H channel can be tuned to 19F, such that either 1H or 19F experiments can be performed. Additionally, the pre-amplifiers of 13C and 2H are cooled for higher sensitivity on these channels. For details visit our confluence page.
The triple gradients, which are the first ones on a cryoprobe at BNSP, will help in three different fields:
- Better suppression of solvent signals and other strong signals can be achieved by applying gradients on all axis, ideally at the magic angle.
- We expect stronger effects in diffusion-edited experiments like DOSY, which are used e.g. to study liquid liquid phase separated droplets.
- Finally, gradients in all directions enable simple imaging experiments, which we will explore in the future.