New ETH pulsesequences: 1D experiments with automatic setup via geteth
1D DOTETH experiments released. We introduce a new set of ETH 1D pulsesequences and parametersets on our spectrometers. These experiments can be automatically set up, similar to the DOTALL experiment library. After automatic calibration of the high power pulses with HCN90, each of these experiments can be set up by running the macro xxx90 to set high power pulses followed by 'geteth' to perform all remaining calibrations. These will help with automation and efficient set up of measurements.
Automation has become routine in our work at the spectrometers and efficient automated setup of the experiments is a component of that. For many years we have successfully used AU scripts to setup 2D and 3D DOTALL experiments. However, the 1D experiments on our spectrometers were an exception to this. Instead experiments like the zg-wg3919.eth and zgpr.eth were used. The idea behind this was to give users a bit of practice at manual setup of experiments. However times are changing. We have developed a set of 1D experiments which can be automatically set up similar to the DOTALL experiments. The procedure is simple: enter HCN90. The spectrometer calibrates high power pulses and stores them in the macro xxx90. Load the DOTETH 1D parameterset, enter 'xxx90' to calibrate high power pulses, then 'geteth' to setup all remaining parameters.
Short description is included in RPAR comments option
You can see a list of the new experiments and short descriptions at the spectrometer by typing rpar 1D*.eth and selecting the option 'comments' at the top of the rpar window.

New Nomenclature
Note the nomenclature which is intended to make it easier to identify experiments. 1D refers to the dimensionality, H, the detected nucleus, and the additional two-letter code gives additional features of the experiment (e.g. pr=presat, 19=3919 WATERGATE, dc=decoupled).
In addition to the standard 1D presat and WATERGATE experiments, a filter/edit 1D is included allowing the selective detection or suppression of 1H signals attached to 13C,15N, and two SOFAST experiments with and without decoupling for the detection of rapidly exchanging protein amides and nucleic acid iminos respectively.


A more detailed PDF documentation of these 'DOTETH' experiments is available at the spectrometer with the command 'DOTETH'.
Our intention is to role out additional experiments in the future. These DOTETH experiments will update and eventually replace the DOTALL experiments. Note that for the time being the old .eth experiments are still on the spectrometers but we will eventually archive them. We welcome your feedback and input on which experiments you would like to see join this new ETH library.