Bruker company visit
This Wednesday we had the chance to visit the company Bruker – the manufacturer of most of our NMR instruments. We had the chance to see essentially every step in manufacturing of magnets, as well as probe and console testing facilities. A big thank you to the people at Bruker who made this event possible!

Bruker invited us to spend the entire afternoon at the main Swiss site in Fällanden. First we had presentations on new developments and on how to optimally run an instrument.

Then it was time for the visit through the production and testing facilities. After an interesting "Sendung mit der Maus"-style introduction to the various superconducting wires and their production, we went to see how magnet coils are wound. We further magnets at all states of their production process including a 1.2 GHz just before delivery.
The probe and console testing laboratories were impressive just by the shear number of magnets that are available for this purpose.

Finally, we had the chance to chat with Bruker employees over a very nice Apéro.
Thank you very much for making this visit possible!