The Biomolecular NMR Spectroscopy Platform (BNSP) is a collaborative research platform of the Department of Biology (D-BIOL) at the ETH Zürich focussing on nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) of biologically relevant molecules. BNSP serves the researchers of the D-BIOL and the ETH in four main areas:
State-of-the-art infrastructure and specialized know-how (Equipment)
We focus our main attention on acquiring and maintaining top-notch equipment for our community. In addition, expertise and support is provided in all aspects of NMR studies with biological macromolecules in solution, including know-how on the production of isotopically labeled samples, setting up of NMR experiments, data analysis and structure calculations.
Research collaborations on order to solve biological questions with NMR (People)
Our experienced scientists and the “NMR groups” invite discussions on possible collaborations in the areas of studies of proteins and nucleic acids in solution at atomic resolution.
General areas of expertise are:
- interaction studies of biomolecules
- structure determination
- ligand screening
- metabolic studies
- time-resolved monitoring of enzymatic reactions
Training and education (Education)
We are involved in teaching NMR courses in the biology curriculum of ETH and elsewhere, provide one-to-one courses at the spectrometer and host a wealth of teaching material on many aspects of biomolecular NMR.
Advancement of NMR technology (Research)
In order to stay ahead of technology developments, we run our own reserach programs, which always contain a focus on advancing NMR technology, covering topics ranging from production of difficult biomolecules, over novel ways of data acquisition to improved data analysis and processing techniques.